
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Library Helpers


What do you expect when we're sorting and dusting in the school library for hours on a Saturday?  That we wouldn't open all those wonderful books to see what's inside? No way!

Friday, April 23, 2021

SELI Young Writers are writing again!

Here we are in the library at Dankawalie Secondary School in the northeastern Falaba District of Sierra Leone.

After a year's COVID-19 break, this school's SELI Young Writers club resumed this week, on the first day of the third term, with a full house. In addition, the library where the club meets today is much brighter thanks to Lasiray Energy and Communications which now offers solar power to subscribers throughout Dankawalie town.

Any of these students who attends this student-centered, workshop-like club regularly for 1-2 years will develop five personal experience essays through a number of revisions and editing, and in the process take such strides in their writing, reading, listening and speaking skills in English that their performance on their BECE public examination will be greatly improved.

Many thanks to the school's administration and to the club's facilitators, Mr. B.M. Kargbo and Mr. Kalie Kamara, as well as to the donors who make these clubs possible.