
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Kabala JSS Young Writers Club

This is what content conferencing looked like at Kabala Junior Secondary School last week. It's all about explaining and negotiating meaning in English, which is not easy for these students who have only recently left primary school. Still, they do it with spirit because they are writing about their own personal experiences, which they know very well.

Facilitators Alieu S. Kanu and Fatmata Kamara conduct well-organized Young Writers club meetings. This club meets at 4:30 in the afternoon, after students have had a chance to go home and eat lunch, wash their uniforms, and do some of their chores. This is why you don't see the students wearing uniforms here.

The photo below is a peer editing group in the same meeting.
Students knew how to help each other edit in this club. The authors read their work aloud for their peers, and they reached for dictionaries when they needed them.

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